Understanding is the basis for all good communication. We have that covered. Haven’t got a large enough market share in the Nordic countries? Let us help you to find the right target market. We know how to reach them, how to interact with them and what they find attractive. We help you highlight these factors in all contact with media.
For our clients, we are the media partner that works like an extended division of Public Relations and
marketing. We are the advisor who have close contacts with media, are aware of current trends, finds
opportunities and know how to best be seen in the jungle of media. We love high expectations and
promise our clients great payback in each investment. The exposure and penetration power we offer our
clients – makes them winners on the Nordic market.
We are storytellers. We create narratives to advance their agenda. Whether it will be used to protect,
enhance or build reputations through the media, social media or selfproduced communications. We analyze our client’s project and aim, find the positive messages and translate those messages into positive stories. When the news is bad, we can formulate the best response and mitigate the damage. We make our
clients brand visible!
Everyone that works for us has previously been on the client-side. Which means that we all have been
in the client’s situation: with a small budget, time constraints and demands that seems impossible. Our knowledge, skills and experiences have given us a strong advantage on the market. We understand our
client’s demands and always want to find a solution.
We don’t produce funky radio jingles, design giant street advertisements or hand out free samples at the mall. We can make it happen, but we know better
ways of promoting our clients. In simple terms, on behalf of our clients, we act as their local PR and marketing department. We assist our clients to be successful in the Nordic market through earned media, trusted and long-lasting relations with their customers and other stakeholders.
We understand that most of your time probably goes to day-to-day operations and new markets. Through building and strengthening, we boost your brand. It can be to place articles in newspapers, produce press releases, create digital competitions, planning travels, write and send invitations – as well as a lot of other services that can suit your specific needs. There is no limit, only dreams, goals, and solutions.
We work with relationships. We create them, maintain and develop them. Therefore, we take them very
seriously. We are passionate about our customer’s projects and we want our clients to feel happy when they call us. That is how we make successful business together.
Skjutsaregatan 11C
611 34 Nyköping, Sweden